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Academy FM Handbook for Staff & Volunteers

v.12.4 (10/5/18) website version (edit without staff phone numbers)

Dear staff & volunteers,

We value your input to Academy FM.  We need you to follow particular rules and working practices, for everyone’s protection. It is also to ensure that Academy FM fulfils its requirements to OFCOM and the Academy.

Follow the instructions in this Handbook. If you inadvertently break one of these rules (or know of another person doing this), tell the Station Manager immediately.  If you have any questions, ask the Station Management – we’re here to help.


Using our facilities – some guidelines

  • At the main Academy, always sign in, and out, at reception. Make sure visitors do the same. Wear a badge/label. There are separate instruction for Glassworks access.

  • The following people are allowed into the radio facilities: Staff, Academy students (with school permission) signed-up volunteers, interview guests. Do not bring your friends, family, or children into the radio station. Interviewees should be cleared by a member of Academy FM staff. Please do not turn up unannounced for a meeting with staff – please phone to schedule a time.

  • If you are a volunteer, and a visitor turns up when no staff are here, ask them to wait in reception while you phone the Station Management. Make the reception staff aware.

  • 105.9 Academy FM operates a zero tolerance on alcohol and drugs, and should NEVER be brought in to the station. No-one is to be in the radio station, school, or on our OB site under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If you suspect any person of being intoxicated ask them to leave immediately.

  • DO NOT smoke inside the station or on school grounds.

  • Food and drink are NOT allowed in the studios.

  • If you make yourself a drink or eat food in the office then please tidy up afterwards.

  • NEVER attempt to repair or alter any technical equipment. This is for Health and Safety, and Insurance reasons. Always report any problems, or technical requests, to a member of staff.

  • When in the school (and station, or Outside Broadcasts) please refrain from using bad language or openly talking about adult issues.


All 105.9 Academy FM (Folkestone) volunteers within the Folkestone Academy are required and expected to abide by the Academy's health and safety rules and security controls.  In turn, it is the Academy's policy to ensure 105.9 Academy FM (Folkestone) volunteers are not exposed to any significant risks that could affect their health or safety. 

The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and associated regulations places health and safety responsibilities on The Folkestone Academy for ensuring the health and safety and welfare of everyone on its premises.

Equally all persons using The Folkestone Academy facilities have a duty of care whilst on the premises to take reasonable care of him or herself and of any other person who may be affected by their actions or omissions. Every care must be taken to ensure that property, equipment and the fabric of the building are not damaged.

During all opening hours there will be a Facilities Officer on duty who will be able to provide advice and information. The Facilities Officer can be contacted via reception at the front of the building. Ultimately it is the Facilities Officer who is in charge of the building and their instructions must be followed.



During normal Academy hours, FOR STAFF all vehicular access to The Folkestone Academy must be via the Kingsmead gates on the Park Farm Industrial Estate. Cars must park in the main car park to the north of the building. There must be no parking in the areas to the front of the building. FOR VOLUNTEERS AND OTHER VISITORS you may park at the front of the Academy. Please be considerate to our neighbours.

Out of normal Academy hours i.e. evenings and weekends, access to The Folkestone Academy may be gained via Lucy Avenue and parking at the front of the building is allowable. 105.9 Academy FM (Folkestone) will be informed if there are events being held within the Academy where there will be alternative parking arrangements. The Folkestone Academy cannot take responsibility for vehicles parked in its car parks.


For the main Academy, this will be by the main front entrance. All 105.9 Academy FM (Folkestone) volunteers must sign in at reception. See separate instructions for Glassworks access.


The Folkestone Academy expects the highest standards of behaviour from all persons on their premises. Please place any litter in the bins provided or take it home with you. Smoking is prohibited within the Academy buildings and grounds. Access within the main Academy is restricted to the 105.9 Academy FM (Folkestone) and reception areas only. Toilets are available adjacent to reception.


On discovering a fire, the following procedure must be followed:

The person discovering the fire or smelling smoke is to activate the nearest alarm call point. If safe to do so they should then inform reception of the exact location of the fire.

Please do not attempt to tackle the fire unless you have been fully trained and are authorised to do so.

On hearing the alarm, the following procedure must be followed:

  • Evacuate the building using the nearest fire exit.

  • Proceed immediately to the assembly point (The assembly point out of normal Academy hours is to the front of the building, in school hours is on the playground).

    • Proceed quietly and calmly, do not run or panic.

    • Do not use lifts.

    • Do not stop to collect personal belongings.

    • Close doors and windows, if safe to do so.

    • Turn off electrical or gas equipment, if safe to do so.

    • If you are presenting live, on getting up to leave the studio, press   ‘Automation’ on RCS, providing this does not slow your departure.


Stay at the assembly point until you are told otherwise.



The Academy has no legal responsibility for providing First Aid to non-employees, but the HSE strongly recommends that they are included in the First Aid provision.

There is always a Facilities Officer, trained as a First Aid Appointed Person, on duty when 105.9 Academy FM (Folkestone) volunteers are on the main Academy premises.



All accidents, incidents and near misses must be reported to a Facilities Officer.



Do not use your own electrical equipment without permission from Station Management.

All electrical equipment brought to the Academy buildings must be provided in a safe condition to use and the operator properly trained and competent in its use.

All equipment must meet the standards set out in the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. The Folkestone Academy reserves the right to check any electrical equipment and to request evidence that it has a current portable appliance testing label.

Portable appliance testing is available through the Folkestone Academy at a small charge.



Copies of the Folkestone Academy’s generic risk assessments are available on request.




This section should be read in conjunction with Folkestone Academy’s Safeguarding Policies.  Please see:


Safeguarding Guidelines for all Temporary Staff and Visitors in all Academy buildings

The Academy takes its statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children seriously. All adults including visitors, volunteers or temporary members of staff should act within the safeguarding procedures outlined below taken from the Academy’s Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy.

  • If you are a visitor for the day and are concerned that you have witnessed a student being treated in an inappropriate way, please feel confident enough to report this to a member of staff.  If it is a member of staff who you wish to complain about, please speak with the member of staff who is supporting you, or reception and they will contact the appropriate senior member of staff for you to discuss it with.

  • No adult will be permitted to work with a student unless a DBS can be verified.  Temporary members of staff, volunteers or agency staff supporting our students must provide their DBS details with photographic identification to the Headteacher’s PA or to a member of the Safeguarding team.  It is advisable not to conduct interviews or work with students by yourself, unless part of your job.

  • Please take care not to put yourself in a vulnerable position

  • avoid physical contact with children unless part of your job or where some form of physical contact is inevitable, such as a child has an accident or is hurt or is in a situation of danger to themselves or others around them

  • wherever possible, be visible to other members of staff and inform another member of staff of their whereabouts in school, who they are with and for how long.   Do not go into lifts alone with a student. 

  • if working alone with a student, leave the classroom/office door open (ideally doors should have a clear glass panel in them)

  • Do not use inappropriate or unprofessional language towards any student or colleague at the Academy.

  • Do not share personal information about yourself with any student.

  • If a student wishes to leave the room please do not block their path; allow them to leave but report the incident immediately to a member of staff.  Please be aware of a student’s personal space and your proximity to them.

  • Whilst we recognise that many allegations are genuine and there are some adults who deliberately seek to harm or abuse children, allegations may sometimes arise from a differing understanding of the same event.  The Academy policy has a clear set of Procedures for Dealing with Allegations of Abuse Against Staff or those working in a Position of Trust which can be found on the Academy website or from Reception on request. 


If a Student makes a disclosure to you:

Please show them empathy, listen to what they have to say.  Record verbatim what they have said, in their words.  Do not promise confidentiality.  Explain that you have a duty of care to them and then assure them that the information will be passed to one of the safeguarding team, who will make the appropriate decisions to keep them safe.  Please do not interrogate them or ask for details.  Please report your conversation to one of the Safeguarding team directly (see below).


Reporting a Safeguarding Concern

If you have any concerns about a child or young person in our school, you must share this information immediately with our Designated Safeguarding Lead or one of the alternate post holders below.  Do not think that your worry is insignificant if it is about hygiene, appearance or behaviour – we would rather you told us as we would rather know about something that appears small than miss a worrying situation.


If you think the matter is very serious and may be related to child protection, for example, physical, emotional, sexual abuse or neglect, you must find one of the designated professionals detailed below and provide them with a written record of your concern. A copy of the Referral form to complete can be obtained from the Academy Reception.  Please ensure you complete all sections as described. If you are unable to locate a member of the Safeguarding team, ask a member at Reception to find them and to ask them to speak with you immediately about a confidential and urgent matter.


If an allegation is made about the Headteacher you should pass this information to the Chair of Governing Body Complaints Committee who will liaise with Area School Support Officer, or you can contact the Local Authority Designated Officer; contact number 03000 410888.

Up-to-date contact information for Safeguarding staff can be found in the Child Protection Policy at:



Working with young people

(Contains edited excerpts from the Academy’s Staff Handbook)


  • The welfare of the child is paramount (Children Act 1989).

  • You should avoid any conduct which would lead any reasonable person to question their motivation and intentions.

  • You should work, and be seen to work in an open and transparent way.

  • You should discuss with a member of the school Safeguarding team (details given earlier), over any incident, which may give rise to concern. You can use Reception as a first point of contact for information on how to contact other members of school staff.

  • You should apply the same professional standards regardless of gender or sexuality.

  • You should be aware that breaches of the law and other professional guidelines could result in criminal or disciplinary action being taken against them.



Positions of Trust


Wherever possible, adults should avoid behaviour which might be misinterpreted by others, and report any incident with this potential.  Adults must NOT:

  • use their position to gain access to information for their own advantage and/or a child's or family's detriment.

  • use their power to intimidate, threaten, coerce or undermine pupils.

  • use their status and standing to form or promote relationships with children, which are of a sexual nature.




  • You are expected to treat information they receive about children and young people in a discreet and confidential manner.

  • If in any doubt about sharing information, seek advice from a trained member of school staff.

  • Do not pass information to others about a child/young person.


Your behaviour


  • Do not behave in a manner which would lead any reasonable person to question your suitability to work with children or act as a role model.

  • Do not contact a young person without the agreement of the Station Management. This includes contact by phone email, text messages, or letter. 

  • Adults should not establish or seek to establish social contact with pupils for the purpose of securing a friendship or to pursue or strengthen a relationship.  Even if a young person seeks to establish social contact, or if this occurs coincidentally, tell the Station Management.

  • Adults should not give their personal details such as home/mobile phone number; home or private e-mail address to young people. In some situations, with the agreement of the Station Management, adults (e.g. volunteers) are allowed to contact parents of young people to pass on information about radio station work.

  • Adult volunteers should not contact young people via email, even to their school email account. Contact must come from Academy FM, or school staff.

  • Adults should not store the phone numbers or private email addresses of young people (e.g. on their mobile phone or email account).

  • Under no circumstances should an adult ever be in contact with students through social networking sites, or be ‘friends’ on such sites.  Do not comment about young people associated with the radio station or the Academy on such sites.

  • If you receive a personal text or email from a student you should not reply and must inform the Station Management as soon as possible.

  • Do not make sexual remarks to a pupil. Do not discuss sexual relationships or make sexual comments in the presence of young people, or have any form of communication with a child or young person which could be interpreted as sexually suggestive or provocative.

  • Any sexual behaviour by a member of staff with or towards a child or young person is both inappropriate and illegal.

  • Do not frequent social venues where they know or suspect young volunteers, or students of the Academy will be present.

  • Do not socialise with young volunteers, apart from in events organised by (or with the agreement of) the Station Management

  • Do not give or receive gifts to/from young people.

  • Do not take or distribute images showing young people, without the permission of the Station Management.




It is not uncommon for young people to be strongly attracted to adults. The reverse can also happen.   All volunteers should also be aware that such circumstances always carry a high risk of words or actions being misinterpreted and for allegations to be made against them. If you become aware of such a situation, speak to the Station Manager or a member of the school Safeguarding team listed in the Child Protection Policy at:


Physical contact & proximity


  • Even well intentioned physical contact may be misconstrued by the child, an observer or by anyone to whom this action is described.

  • Never touch a child in a way which may be considered indecent

  • Always be prepared to explain actions and accept that all physical contact be open to scrutiny.

  • Do not bring yourself into close physical proximity with a young person wherever possible. Any close proximity (e.g. passing in doorways) should be necessarily brief.

  • Never indulge in horseplay, tickling or fun fights.

  • Always ensure there is visual access and/or an open door in one to one situations

  • Do not travel with young people. Never transport young people in your vehicle.


Behaviour Management

All pupils have a right to be treated with respect and dignity. Physical punishment, or the use of sarcasm, demeaning or insensitive comments towards pupils is not acceptable.


Exceptional circumstances

There may be circumstances where one of the Safeguarding guidelines may be reviewed as part of their development, or in individual situations, after (for example) liaison with the school’s Safeguarding team. Please read and act promptly on any information given to you by the Station Management.


Computers and the internet


Academy FM strives to keep our computer networks and operation secure and virus free, and to provide a safe and secure environment for staff and volunteers of all ages – but we need your help too.


About our systems:


  • All computers have software on which records web-browsing, and are protected by ESET antivirus software, have operating systems kept up-o-date, and ‘Student’ logins have ‘Qustodio’ Child Protection software enabled.

  • Our Storage drive has three different areas with different security levels. Staff are instructed to save any files which are not for general consumption in the appropriate area, and if necessary back-up files on memory sticks to be kept locked away when not in use. Personal and business-sensitive information is to be kept on password-protected memory sticks. Volunteers can, with permission, have a folder on our networked Storage drive for safely keeping programme material. This drive has a duplicate RAID backup.



 Only use the computers and internet for Academy FM business. Do not download any software or files.

  • Do not connect external drives (e.g. USB pen drives) to our system without permission of the station management. If this is necessary (because they contain files necessary for broadcast), we will do an ESET scan before use.

  • Only visit websites for radio work (e.g. programme research). Never visit websites containing adult material / adult-themed material / pirated items or content.

  • Young people are not allowed on the internet without permission from staff (e.g for programme research). Young people only have access to logins (named ‘Student) filtered and monitored by Child Protection software. Adult volunteers and staff should, in no circumstance, give a young person any other login details or facilitate a young person to use a login other than the designated ‘Student’ login.

  • Understand that your internet activity may be logged, and could be used as evidence in any investigation.


Privacy & Data Protection

  • Our Privacy and Data Protection policy can be found on the station website on the About page.




On Air Guide


Bad language & inappropriate content


We must avoid causing offence to listeners. We have to protect children from inappropriate language and content by regulating our output at times when children are likely to be listening. We do not want to broadcast bad language / swearing without good reason. In practice, any content that includes bad language must be cleared with the station management; it can only be broadcast with permission. ‘Bad language’ includes all commonly used swear-words (including ones with religious content) and other words or phrases that could be construed as being offensive by some members of society.


We also do not want to broadcast inappropriate content i.e. content that could cause offence, without justification and appropriate warnings. For example, comments or opinions about contentious issues, or that could cause personal offence. For example, this can range from commenting on the Palestinian / Israeli conflict, to making derogatory comments about people with a particular hair or skin colour.... and many other things. You should always ask the station management for advice if in any doubt.It is also inappropriate to broadcast commercial messages without the agreement of the Station Management. No volunteer or staff member at Academy FM should ever personally take payment, or payment-in-kind for any content placed on the radio.


If a song you’ve mistakenly played contains inappropriate content, then give a sincere apology e.g. “I’d like to apologise for the bad language that you may have heard and I’m sorry if this caused offence”. Then play a song. You do not need to mention it again, just continue with your show as normal. All apologies should be delivered sincerely.


Playlist music on the station is checked for bad language. However, if you discover a song on RCS with language issues you must remove it from the playlist, and tell the station management asap.


If you bring music in yourself (e.g. specialist shows) you MUST check it for language and inappropriate content before playing. Check songs by listening and looking up the lyrics on the internet. Ask the Station Manager if you have any questions about suitable content or broadcast times.


If a guest swears or says something inappropriate, apologise. Warn the guest (on-air if necessary) immediately that they are on live radio and should not swear. Apologise to the listeners. If you are confident that it was a simple ‘slip of the tongue’ then you may continue the interview. If a second incident occurs, you must apologise, and stop the interview. If you are not confident that the guest will not swear for a second time, you must end the interview immediately.



Legal Issues - a guide

  • You can get sued, personally, for what you say on the radio. Be careful.

  • You must be impartial. Do not take one particular side of a discussion or a story.

  • Our job is to inform the listener about ALL sides of a story, and let them make up their own minds.

  • If discussing someone else’s journalism (e.g. talking about a newspaper story), you must discuss it in an impartial manner. If the story seems biased, do not discuss it unless you can do your own research to balance it (and in this case, discuss with station management). If the story is balanced in the newspaper, make sure you include all the information necessary to balance it on air.

  • Do not talk about political issues, parties, or figures without consulting the station management. In many cases this won’t be a problem and you’ll be given permission immediately, but at particular times (e.g. certain election periods) there are Ofcom rules to follow.



Be aware of ‘libel’. You could end up in court for libelling someone (alongside the radio station). Essentially, libel is when you say in public (i.e. on the air) negative things about an individual or group of people.

  • About Libel: Libel is when you say something that could ‘expose a person to hatred, ridicule, or contempt, cause him/her to be shunned or avoided, lowered in the estimation of society, or tend to injure him/her in their office, profession or trade’.

  • Example: A musician came into your studio for an interview, and you didn’t get on very well.  If, the following day, you were to say on air, “Fred Bloggs is a great musician, but he’s never coming in the studio again because he’s got really bad B.O.”, he could sue you under Libel laws. If found guilty in court, YOU would have to pay him compensation, and pay all the legal fees.

  • Don’t think that you can get away with libelling anyone.... not big organisations, international celebrities, journalists working for local newspapers, or the lady who lives over the road. People are very aware of how they can make a quick buck out of court cases nowadays.

  • Do not repeat potentially libellous statements about people. If, for example you read a story in the newspaper that libels someone, and repeat it on the radio, you can be sued alongside the newspaper. Also beware of related comments e.g. ‘Katy has bad skin” after you’ve seen a picture of a local resident in the newspaper.

  • Never make any racist or derogatory comments e.g. regarding race, hair colour, disability, body image, or apparent mental state.



• An injunction is a court order which prevents broadcast of details of a legal case including identities or actions. Sometimes known as a ‘gagging order’.

• A super-injunction prevents the media reporting the details of a story covered by an injunction and also forbids mention of the injunction itself.

If you are aware of stories with any sort of injunction on them (or even if you suspect an injunction), do not discuss on air or online.



Commercial References

Do not endorse any product, service, or event, although you CAN mention it for public information or review purposes. E.g. you can tell people that an event is on.

Don’t endorse products. This can be a difficult one to judge. Generally, a brief mention of a product that you use is not a problem – you are being honest – but avoid repeated mentions or discussion, and especially comments that could be construed as promotional in nature. Product review programming is allowable, with permission of the Station Management.

If people from businesses ask for requests, mentions or other ‘favours’ in our broadcasts in return for money or other gifts, do not enter into an arrangement– discuss with the station management, so any deal (e.g. for paid advertising) can be agreed in the correct manner.  You CAN give simple mentions to local businesses with the permission of the station management – we support the local economy.


Reporting crime / legal affairs / court cases

Do not discuss ongoing legal cases without the permission of the Station Management.

For your information, in journalistic law before an arrest is made you can report the FACTS of a crime. However you have to be very careful with your wording e.g. do not describe a death as a ‘murder’ unless the Police have released an official statement saying this. It could be a case of ‘manslaughter’, or an accidental death. Your describing it as ‘murder’ could affect a future court case despite it being untrue, and you could be tried under ‘Contempt of Court’.

Contempt of Court

• This law protects someone’s right to a fair trial

• Something is in contempt of court when it creates a SUBSTANTIAL RISK of SERIOUS

PREJUDICE to a trial

• The media is in danger of contempt from the moment of arrest until a trial finishes

• Contempt is a criminal matter (unlike defamation) and you and your boss could be

imprisoned for up to two years with an unlimited fine

• Newspapers “get away” with contempt because they argue there is a long gap between

publication after an arrest and the accused coming to trial


Using news sources

  • If you use a QUOTE taken from another news source, always credit the source e.g. ‘Top stylist Fred Bloggs told the Folkestone Herald “goatee beards are definitely coming back, and every man with style will be wearing one soon”.

  • If you are taking a STORY from a news source, it is polite to credit the source. However, some stories can be found on many sources... so you can get around doing this unless a story appears to be an exclusive i.e. it is only on one website / newspaper. If a news source has what seems to be an exclusive story, you should credit them for it.




General advice for presenters

  • When presenting a live show please ensure you are in the office with enough time before it begins so you can plan and prepare for your show.

  • The name of the station is 105.9 Academy FM Folkestone. You can say that, or Academy FM Folkestone, but no alterations please.

  • Your opening link for each hour is important, so to ensure you get this right, plan what you are going to say and if need be write it down.

  • Your last link of each hour is equally as important as you need to ensure that the listener will stay with us through the news and into the next hour. Trail ahead to what is coming up in the next hour, even if it’s just mentioning an interview or couple of the biggest songs that you have in the following hour. You can also use this link to trail ahead to the following show if yours is finishing.

  • Please plan your links and interviews.

  • We broadcast to a wide range of people, mostly in Folkestone. Don’t talk too much about other areas (e.g. being a student in Canterbury).

  • Don’t give the impression that not many people are listening. There are almost certainly more than you think.... although we are indeed a small radio station.

  • Please do not criticise the music, or other shows/presenters. We have a music policy for a reason. Also, don’t say that you’ve never even heard of a band or artist – the audience expects you to be knowledgeable about music. If you don’t like the music we play, please discuss this with us.

  • Don’t change songs, or the structure of the playlist without permission from the Station Management. Don’t change the playlist to play songs for your friends, or yourself, without permission. NEVER play songs that have a red tag, without permission. If you get a request to play a particular song, ask the station management.

  • Please do not make derisory comments about Folkestone or the surrounding area, or its inhabitants.

  • Always ensure that the Academy FM webmail window is up on the Adobe / Internet computer. It is under favourites and if the password needs to be put in then please ask the station management.

  • When using requests from texts, emails or Facebook always just read out first names, and vague place-names e.g. Paul from Cheriton, Fred on Twitter etc.


News / Travel


  • If you have travel scheduled at quarter past or quarter to, then make sure it is done on time, or up to 3 minutes afterwards, and NOT early. Do not drop it completely without permission.

  • The national news should be played out at the top of every hour, where it is in the schedule, unless you have permission to drop it.

  • To ensure you do not play a short amount of a song before the news cuts in, double check your timings at quarter to the hour so you are aware of how many tracks you can play and how long you have to do a link.


Use of music, and copyright issues


All music played from the RCS playout system has been purchased legitimately, and playout is licensed under PRS/PPL/MCPS licensing. Do not add music to the system without permission from the station management.

  • Do not play content streamed from the internet in your shows, e.g. Spotify,  YouTube or other sites. Do not play music that has not been downloaded by the station management without permission – in this case it must have been legitimately acquired, suitable to play under our licensing restrictions, and of suitable broadcast quality.

  • Do not use music beds in your shows without permission from the station management. We do not intend to limit your creativity, only to ensure that we have the rights to use this music.


Pre-recorded Shows

  • If you are pre-recording programmes, or Voice-tracking, DO NOT give the impression that it is live. I.e. don't ask for requests, or say that it's live.

  • When recording a pre-recorded specialist music show, ensure that it is 57:57 minutes in length or a little longer (ideally ending on music), anything more will not be played out.

  • Always end on music.

  • Always label your shows in accordance to which week it will go out.



Social Media


As social media is such a major player in the way the station communicates with its listeners, it is important to remember a few things.

  • Always check spelling and grammar before posting anything on the station’s social media.

  • We recommend that you do not add anyone (e.g. listeners) on your personal Facebook or Twitter you do not know.

  • You are on the radio. You are now a public figure, and you represent the station. Please bear this in mind when you are posting on your own social media. We don’t want to censor you, but we also don’t want the station associated with (for example) racism, sexism, online bullying etc.

  • See previous rules about not being ‘friends’, or contacting young people under 18 using social media, email, phone, or any other communication.

  • If you are under 18 and an adult directly contacts you by email, text, or Facebook, and this contact is in any way associated with Academy FM, you MUST let the station management know. Whether it's an adult listener, stranger, someone known to you, or an adult volunteer, you must tell us.

  • Do NOT set up your own show or station pages/groups/sites. Under special circumstances, speak to the station management about setting up a page for a specific show or time of day.

  •  If you want anything put on the Facebook wall, or Tweeted as something posted as ‘105.9 Academy FM’ then speak to the Station Management.

  • Do not, under any circumstances, post on another station’s social networking pages publicising your show, or leaving any negative comments about their station or ours.

  • Do not criticise the station or other presenters on any social networking site. If you have opinions and feel something needs to be said, discuss it with the station management.

  • Please do NOT mention your personal Twitter or Facebook page on air



If you are made an ‘Admin’ of the Facebook or Twitter page:

  • Do not post more than 1 status updates/tweets per show (unless it is a Twitter reply to someone who has tweeted you). You can also tweet/Facebook to plug your show the day before, or earlier in the day.

  • If you are going to post any pictures or links to other websites/YouTube, ALWAYS clear it first with the station management.

  • Do not mention your personal Twitter or Facebook on the Academy FM page. However, you are welcome to write posts/tweets on your own page that tag the Academy FM Facebook page if you want to get some of your followers to interact with you when you're on air.


Privacy & Data Protection

Our Privacy and Data Protection policy can be found on the station website on the About page.


Representing the Radio Station

As a volunteer, with the permission of the Station Management (including long-standing agreements) you may contact members of the public, or people/organisations outside the Academy on behalf of Academy FM. Usually, this is to source interviews, do programme research, or organise OBs. You must let the station management know in advance if you have any interviews booked, and must liaise in detail if you want to do an Outside Broadcast. Please make your communication with external people professional, well written, and truthful.



The process of disciplining unpaid volunteers is not something we approach without a lot of care. We often involve the school’s HR staff for guidance and record-keeping. We value the time and effort all our volunteers give to Academy FM. However, when the guidelines set down in this Handbook are broken, the station management may act to ban or discipline the volunteer in question. For safeguarding issues, the Academy school will become involved.



At 105.9 Academy FM we do not stand for any kind of bullying, and any aggressive or offensive behaviour will be dealt with in the appropriate manner. This applies to both on and off air. Attacking an individual (physically, verbally or through other means such as text or cyber bullying) because of their ethnicity, religion or sexuality will not be tolerated and will result in your involvement in the station being terminated. If you are experiencing any form of bullying or harassment then please speak to the Station Management.



Academy FM Folkestone is committed to encouraging equality and diversity and eliminating unlawful discrimination.

We are committed to offering opportunities to all, irrespective of (but not limited to) age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race (including colour, nationality, and ethnic or national origin), religion or belief, sex (gender) and sexual orientation.


The organisation – in providing goods and/or services and/or facilities:

  • Is committed against unlawful discrimination to people, and will maintain a working environment free of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination, promoting dignity and respect for all, and where individual differences and the contributions of all staff are recognised and valued.

  • Responsibilities include staff/volunteers conducting themselves to help the organisation provide equal opportunities in employment, and prevent bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination.

  • All staff and volunteers should understand they, as well as their employer, can be held liable for acts of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination, in the course of their employment, against fellow employees, customers, suppliers and the public

  • Academy FM will take seriously complaints of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination by, staff, volunteers, suppliers, visitors, the public and any others in the course of the organisation’s work activities. Such acts will be dealt with as misconduct under the organisation’s grievance and/or disciplinary procedures (guided by our host school, the Folkestone Academy’s, staff policies), and any appropriate action will be taken. Particularly serious complaints could amount to gross misconduct and lead to dismissal without notice

  • Further, sexual harassment may amount to both an employment rights matter and a criminal matter, such as in sexual assault allegations. In addition, harassment under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 – which is not limited to circumstances where harassment relates to a protected characteristic – is a criminal offence




Thank you. You are a bunch of fantastic staff and volunteers, and we’re proud to work with you. Sorry for sending this heavyweight document your way – it’s designed to make the station better, and keep us all safe. We hope you understand.

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