Folkestone Matters
Academy FM Folkestone trains local people in journalism & news-writing

Folkestone Matters is a project supported by the National Lottery's 'Awards for All' Community Fund. The aim is to train local people of all backgrounds to be 'Community Journalists'.
Training took place in our central Folkestone 'Glassworks' studio, led by experienced journalists Jane Barlow and Vicky Eldridge.

Everyone was trained about what news actually is, and how to source it, write it into a script, and record it for a radio news bulletin. Jane and Vicky made local news the focus of the project, and ensured that everyone understood the importance of unbiased, timely stories and clearly written scripts. You can now hear the students reading the news live on 105.9 Academy FM Folkestone. Feedback from the project was excellent, and we were pleased that people of a great variety of backgrounds and ages took part.